February – You think You’ve Got it Bad

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February – You think You’ve Got it Bad

By the time February comes along most students are tired, bored, fed up with studying, and ready to quit. It’s the halfway mark, they hate their teachers, they hate school and some just want to give up. How do teachers keep their classes magical enough to hold the attention of their students when they feel they are fighting the enemy?
A movie about the Navy SEALS’ experience said it all. “Suck it up and keep going!”never give up
The men in this film were training to be the most powerful, withstanding bodies and minds that you could imagine. They went through the most grueling training. When the time came for them to preform their knowledge in a guerrilla war, they fought with broken legs, they continued with bullet holes in their bodies, they kept on to where extremes were the norm. Some made it, some didn’t.
Imagine horrific extreme situations that are happening as you read this article, and ask yourself how many people are going through perhaps their last February.
If you feel February at school is an extreme experience, think like a Navy Seal or any other person you might consider a hero, “We’re good! We’ve got this!” and look forward to accepting your reward for passing the test at the end of the term.

Image from: http://sofrep.com/5198/navy-seals-documentary-part-one/

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